october 7 - 10 friday - monday
it is thanksgiving in canada this weekend and we will taste our first bird!!! amazing. and we are still in clare. why? well, lise invited us to spend the weekend at her place and it started raining on friday night and it stopped just now... and there will be more rain. damn, but on the other hand we really enjoy lise's company and it will be hard to hit the road again. the closer you get to know people the harder it is to say good-bye.
but we will need to do that. maybe tomorrow.
although we still have three weeks left before we take the plane to santiago. well boston is a couple of km away and eventually we need to do some cycling again. we are already out of shape. always conflicts...
what do we do all day. i don't know. there's always something and the days just seem to vanish. we lost track of the days of the week which, lise said, is a sign for feeling very comfortable. i went to my first arobics lesson on saturday and there was a baby-welcome-party on saturday night and yesterday we just stayed in and watched two movies. the first one a typically american love-story but the second one very interesting

that is lise by the way! that was our suben-good-bye-party!!
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