october 2 - 6 sunday - thursday

on sunday we went to play golf with norm and renette on their own golf course which was a lot of fun cos we had never played before and it is way a lot more difficult than it looks when you watch it on tv.
for supper we were invited to tounar's house for b'b'q. there was again a lot of music and singing and erk couldn't believe it as he said that they have something like this
and then it was my birthday on monday. unfortunately i was feeling a little homesick and blue. usually my family came over to kiel and we had a big birthday party at night and now they were all in germany... anyways, we spent the afternoon with lise and christiane, visiting an old german lady, hildegard, who wanted to talk to us. she had painted a lot of beautiful pictures and showed them to us. after that we went to the broadwalk in grosses coques and to the house of christiane's parents. her father gerry is incredibly creative carving gypsum, the statues are very impressing. and for supper renette cooked a veryvery yummy seafood supper. lise and tounar also stayed for supper - and believe it or not, they gave me an ice-cream cake for dessert...

on tueday morning i went to the gym with lise, another first one in my life and it was really fun. we did four circuits and i think her legs were aching a little the next morning ;-)
on wednesday we visited st. anne's church in church point, the largest wooden church in northern america and went over to lise's to watch a movie on dvd called
hi eva and erk
this is paul, english guy cycling east to west across canada - met you in montreal. i've only just found this blog - good to catch up with your travels. i'm in calgary now, about to head up into the mountains. it's getting cold here.
3:52 PM
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