september 16 - 20 (friday - tuesday)

with a tent like that it's no fun camping :-)

we reached the 14h30 ferry from wood island to pictou. it was again time to look for a shelter because massive rain clouds were gathering in a distance. the remains of the next hurricane. we didn't like the hostel so i suggested to try the harbour light campground which actually was a great idea. the owner, cameron macdonald, offered us to pitch the tent under a shelter and he had free internet and he was just gorgeous!
we rested the whole friday and started to figure out how to reach halifax ending up in renting a car!!! i know, i feel a little guilty but it would have been more expensive to go by bus...
so we went to halifax on saturday. it was just pouring down (not nice for sightseeing). we went to the trail shop and they were a big help and had an enormous variety of stuff. so we bought a nice new tent by sierra designs, meteor light and two warmer sleeping bags (endless story, now we both own three sleeping bags...)
there you go. this one looks better :-)))
on sunday it was election day in germany. but they still haven't figured out who is going to be the next one to be in charge... anyways. we took the car and drove up to cape breton island. the weather was beautiful again but we both didn't like travelling by car. it goes so fast you don't have the chance to see anything. still it allowed us to go up there which we wouldn't have been able otherwise. we entered the park and stayed at the camp there. one of the best. they had kitchen shelters with a wooden stove, just great to cook a meal on!on monday we did both the trail next to the camp and the skylight trail. i recognized how much i love that. we usually don't have any spare power to do that, so it was just great. everbody we met kept telling us about all the moose they'd seen and we seemed to be always ahead or behind
them until:

and one cannot imagine how beautiful it is up there. throughout the trip a lot of different people told us that it is the most beautiful spot in whole canada and we didn't believe them. but now, yes, they are right. i mean, it is beautiful everywhere but this is the best!!!

we returnt to picou on tuesday night, packed our stuff and were ready to be on the road again the next morning.
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