keeping track (september 7 wednesday)

it is very hard to keep this writing updated. i just do a brief summary what happend during the last couple of weeks.
beginning with:
september 7 wednesday
the campground turnt out to be the worst we ever had. as soon as the sun started to settle millions and millions of mosquitos went after us... we put our raincoats and boots and long trousers and they were still mad biting our faces and hands. i hand a nice fire going but we were not able to enjoy it - too bad
and the same thing happened in the morning when we left the tent to have breakfast. so we just grabbed our stuff and fled. it was again a rather hot day and we followed the highway south through kouchibougac national park. just going through on the highway was sort of boring 'cos you would see nothing but trees.
very exhausted we reached richibouctou after 84.38km and 4h16
we had learnt our lesson and bought "deep woods OFF" with some nice stuff called deet in it (this ingridient is not allowed in germany for it might cuase cancer, but as long as it keeps them away for a while i don't care...) and were able to enjoy our dinner :-)
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