september 9 - september 15
friday - thursday
a holiday week on prince edward island. on our way out of new brunswick we met a couple from vancouver on a funny bike.

we had the wind in our faces and i was very very tired and really feeling worn out. we decided to stay for a rest day on p.e.i.
we had to wait for the shuttle bus because bicycles are not allowed on the 12.6km long confederation brigde which was just built a couple of years ago. an impressing bridge. and i like bridges a lot maybe because they connect things and i like connections i don't know.

we ended up at the myers farm family b&b. it was really relaxing. and we were just lazy that day. i didn't do any typing and we were sleeping well...
so on sunday we were leaving the myers and heading for ann's land. anne of green gables. i never read the book or watched the movie but it's a very big thing all over the world.
look at that beautiful anne:

one thing to mention is that p.e.i. is not flat as we were told. hills appeared out of nowhere and we had the wind in our faces every single day. some days it wasn't only wind but rather storm. we enjoyed our stay though and were after a week sad to leave but we had to cross to nova scotia as halifax was the only place where we could buy a new tent. and we desperately needed it as the last pole cracked in red point and we had to fix it with tape and it wasn't good for eternity.
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